O'I just wanted to give my vote of'confidence in Flick. I am only sorry'that I did not see this all earlier, or'I would have written earlier. I noticed'some of the harsh language and'criticisms directed at you, but I did'not realize that alot of it was'directed at Flick. Anyway, this may be'an opportunity to discuss a problem
that is very old indeed.
'I realize that there are some groups'dominanted by males, and there are some'males who want to make sure no females'are part of the group even in a small'way, because for various known and'unknown reasons they hate women. I'recall what the superhuman said in the'movie, Bladerunner, "Are you proud of'yourself, littleman", and are you proud'because you forced out the only female,contributor to the disk magazine.
[37m(This'isn't actually true, there having been'more than one - but only one this
issue. Ed.)
'Over here they are called MAW or men'against women. As there are MAW's,'there most be also WAM's or women'against men. From personal experience,'I have worked in organizations'dominated by females, who for some'reason or other did not like men. I'have developed an extreme dislike for
both attitudes.
'I am forced to remind myself constantly'that men have been in power for'thousands of years, and in the last 30'years have women risen also to'positions of power. Since this is a'recent development, why should I expect'these women to be more high-minded than
'Of course, there is the argument of'free speech and legitimate criticism. I'believe in free speech, but we are all'co-creators with God. Through the'spoken word, we can create, and we can'destroy. You know, men who criticise'someone else's work by just saying'"crap" are not using their noodles.'They might as well say "nothing" as it
means the same thing.
'Destructive criticism can destroy in a'second what may have taken years to'create. Well, with power comes'responsibility, but how many people'want to take responsibility for their'words and actions. Not many, as taking'responsibility is for adults and not
for children.
'Anyway, as I said, this problem is an'old problem. I will give a perfect'example from the Book of John. If you'read the book in the usual manner, you'will focus your attention on the men in'the stories and miss the lessons hidden'in the background. The men were not the'only members of the group. The women'were also but were not in positions of
power like the men.
'Every four chapters is a picture of a'woman: the woman at the well, the woman'dragged in the streets, the woman'criticized for wasting money, the Holy'Spirit, and the woman at the tomb. Why'every four chapters? This corresponds'to the number of letters that are in'the sacred name of God, YHVH, which are'four and which end in a feminine
letter, H.
'Each picture presented a relationship'between men and women. And what were'the four pictures presenting? In the'first picture, men in general were not'suppose to talk to women in the open,'but YHSVH did. In the second, a woman'was going to be stoned for adultery,'however the man who committed adultery'was absent. In the third, the woman was
'Now it is told that three Mary's always'accompanied YHSVH, but in particular'Mary Magdelaine. All the men were'fighting for YHSVH's attention and'favor. For that reason, there was much'jeolousy and hatred in the group. But'YHSVH had his favorites that he loved,'and one was definitely Mary Magdelaine,'who was always walking with him. This'caused much jeolousy and hatred among'the men, so they criticized her for
anything like wasting money.
'Well, I see Carl Read as the light that'all the moths wish to fly around. But'what if he dares to talk to a woman'openly and in public? Well, she will'just have to go. Right? Man has not'changed much in two thousands years,'and therefore their emotional body has
not evolved much either.
'In the last picture, who did YHSVH'reveal himself to. To Mary Magdelaine'and not the men. Did the men believe
her story? No.
'Is there more to back up my speculat-'ions? Yes, in the Gospel of Mary. Peter'said to Mary, "Sister, we know that the'Savior loved you more than the rest of'women. Tell us the words of the Savior'which you remember - which you know but#we do not, nor have we heard them."
'She said that the soul was feminine and'bound by the powers who wished to keep'her a slave through basically fear and'ignorance. Finally the powers asked the'soul, where do you come, slayer of men,'or where are you going, conqueror of'space? The soul replied that what binds'me has been slain, and what surrounds'me has been overcome, and my desire has#been ended, and ignorance has died.
'When Mary had said this, she fell'silent. But Andrew answered and said to'the brethren, "Say what you wish to say'about what she has said. I at least do'not believe that the Savior said this.'For certainly these teachings are'strange ideas." Peter answered and'spoke concerning these things. He'questioned them about the Savior: "Did'he really speak with a woman without'our knowledge and not openly? Are we to'turn about and all listen to her? Did
he prefer her to us?"
'Then Mary wept and said to Peter, "My'brother Peter, what do you think? Do'you think that I thought this up in my'heart, or that I am lying about the'Savior?" Levi answered and said to'Peter, "Peter, you have always been'hot-tempered. Now I see you contending'against the woman like the adversaries.'But if the Savior made her worthy, who'are you indeed to reject her? Surely'the Savior knows her very well. That is'why he loved her more than us. Rather'let us be ashamed and put on the'PERFECT MAN (or higher self) and'acquire him (our higher self) for ourselves as he commanded us...
'I realize that most people are not'aware that the lower self is'predominant in day to day activities,'but in times of great need people can'rise to great heights where the higher'self can express itself. Maybe for once'in our day to day activities (like'writing to ShareWorld and reviewing the'works of others), we can deny our lower'self and allow the higher self to'express itself. In this case, to vote"for Flick and to cut out the crap.
'Rudy Sanchez, 27 October 1996.
[37mWell said Rudy, and as always, succinct'and to the point. But yes people, cut'out the crap as from the outside it's'very easy to spot. We also had similar'stuff directed at Thomas Lancaster a'while back and it's the main reason'self-censorship has had to be introduc-'ed to ShareWorld, much to the editor's'annoyance. So to the spotty adolescents'responsible, (you know who you are),'this is no doubt how and why real,'government-style censorship started,'with similar snide remarks being an'excuse to start the ball rolling. Yes,
it is all your fault.
'Oh and Flick, after the above opus from'Rudy you'll just have to do your column!again now, won't you? (: Ed.
[37mNow follows a letter to the editor,'err, from the editor. But no, I haven't'actually started writing to myself, as'this was a letter I sent to another'diskmag, which chose not to use it. "No'letters this month". So I thought I'd'share it with you instead. So, take it
away Carl!
[31mLetter to an editor,' February 16th 1997.
'With no new-spec Amigas likely to be'available in the near future, (or ever'- let's be realistic here), I'd like to'suggest to die-hard Amiga users that'they consider Silicon Graphic's O2 as'their upgrade path of choice. The'reason for this suggestion is that the'O2's the only new computer to remotely'excite me since the Amiga's original
'I first noticed this machine in an'October issue of the Dominion's'InfoTech Weekly and was struck by its'nice design, and I don't mean its very'stylish-looking hardware. (Not a box'but curved like the Walker - except'done right.) "The ability to perform'effects such as texture mapping,'gouraud shading, real-time editing,'streaming and decoding of JPEG and MPEG'video are standard on O2." "O2 will'record video to disk in real-time and'analogue input and output is standard."'And so on, but I can't quote you any'more as I don't have the cutting with"the decent specs at the moment. (:
'Cool graphics are what you'd expect'from an SGI machine of course, but more'important in my opinion is how you'upgrade its processor. Which you'actually don't do, you just add more of'them - right up till there's 128 on'board. No 68000, 68040, 68060, PowerPC,'??? path as with the Amiga. (Perhaps.)'And no ???, 386, 486, Pentium, MMX, ???'as with the PC. Instead just add more'of the same processors and instead of'your old software suddenly becoming'incompatible, it just goes faster.'(Also, there's no video-RAM, standard-'RAM problems with the O2 as its RAM can
be used as either.)
'And how much for all this? Well the'entry-level O2 was priced at NZ$10000.'But that was in October - by early'January its price had dropped to'NZ$8000, despite it being SGI's'"fastest selling product in the'company's history". One assumes those'prices don't include GST, but even so,'it wasn't that long ago that Commodore!was asking NZ$7000 for the A4000.
'This in my opinion is the machine to'watch in the future. It may be that its'price will stay around its current'level in which case it'll remain out of'most people's reach, or it may be that'SGI is planning an assault on the PC'mass-market, which, if they can get its'price somewhere in the $4000 to $5000'range (GST included :) they might make'major inroads into. (It's a Unix'machine, but it can emulate Windows95'if needs be, and probably the Amiga too if someone puts its mind to it.)
'This won't be the machine for those who'want a workstation at a Playstation'price, but for those who're seriously'into computing and want a reasonably'future-safe machine, it looks the'nicest way to go at the moment. And a'SGI-future sounds a lot better than a
Wintel one, doesn't it?
'So a few down-loads about the O2'please, as unlike the PowerPC Amiga,'the Walker, the ED box the A/Box Jack'Harry and all, it's available now and'dropping in price. Which, for those who'remember the early days of personal'computing, is how things are meant to
Carl Read.
[37mSo good of you to write Carl. We get so'few letters here, any we do receive are'most welcome. Yeah, well actually,'either the above was considered heresy,'or they just misplaced it. It was'written prior to reports about Gateway'2000 buying the Amiga, but I still'think the O2's the machine of the'future. Those wanting a cheapish'graphics workstation are going to go'for the O2 over any current or future'versions of the Amiga, which leaves the'home as the only market left for the'Amiga-as-a-computer. And unless Gateway'can bring out an Amiga with similar'specs to a PC but at a considerably'lower price, that market won't exist'either. And Gateway, being a PC'company, aren't going to undercut their+bread and butter market, are they? Ed.